Thursday, December 5, 2013


=> 5th December 2013

Indeed I am not suitable to feed pets.
I will feel grieved on leaving.
I feel so upset with a pet, which was only be fed even though just a very short time (a week), and it leave today.
It brought us a lot of happiness and laughter within this few days, and it is adorable, it has a pair of big eyes, and I like it.
I like to play with him, and I feel it knew something, it knew we take good care of it, it knew we provide tasty food to it, it knew we always play with it, it knew we love it, it knew it was being rescued; since he was found by my mum in a park as being abandoned and nearly perish from hunger.
It has a very weak body before came, additionally it had be exposed to the rain this few days, its frail body can't endure under the rain and sick, and finally gone in this morning. I cried hard.
I think on like to take a cute photo with it and play with it, yet, now have no chance.
All sorts of feelings well up in one's mind today. Anything hard to be predicted. Treasure and cherish everything around you and you love. Do not come to regret after you lost. Life is something cannot be repeated.


An only one photo while it was sleeping before

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